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Tuesday, October 18, 2022
staff photo, jose jimenez

Staff Award for Distinguished Leadership in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

The Latinx Council is incredibly proud to announce in the University of Iowa's recognition to honor the work of José M. Jimenez, director of Research Information Systems, who is a dedicated member and leader for the Latinx Council and at the University of Iowa.  As described in his recognition and award, José is a role model for integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into all aspects of work life and has successfully encouraged others to do the same. He was an instrumental collaborator in the development of the first OneIT DEI strategic plan, and continues to work towards expanding the understanding of DEI issues across the IT community. He invests time in individual relationship-building and outreach to drive inclusion and engage a broad range of staff, and is attuned to identities that may be forgotten or not immediately evident. An active ally and mentor, he works consistently to elevate others’ voices. He was a key collaborator on the BUILD course Inclusive Practices for an Online World, and he has provided training to OneIT leaders and others in the IT community on using inclusive language in application development. Congratulations José and to your success and leadership for DEAI at the University of Iowa.  Learn more about the 2022 Faculty & Staff Awards here: