The University of Iowa Latinx Council
Bylaws (est.1989, Revised in 1995, 2009, 2018, 2020)
Article I: Name and Brief History
The name of the organization shall be the University of Iowa Latinx Council (hereafter referred to as the LC), was established in the fall of 1989, as the Council on the Status of Latinos, by a group of Latinx faculty and staff in response to issues raised by their constituencies who historically have been underrepresented in institutions of higher education.
Article II: Mission
The LC’s mission is to create a University environment that promotes and celebrates Latinx culture and community and addresses the needs and concerns of Latinx faculty and staff, to keep abreast of issues affecting UI Latinx students and to serve as an advisory body to the University.
Article III: Membership
Any University of Iowa faculty or staff person who is engaged in issues relevant to Latinxs at the University is eligible for membership regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic background, gender, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or veteran status or any other protected identifies.
Article IV: Voting
Any member of the LC that has attended two LC meetings both in fall and in spring during the academic semester of the elections shall be a voting member. General Body Business will begin in accordance with the University’s academic school year.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1.
The LC shall meet at least once a month throughout the academic school year.
Section 2.
Quorum for LC meetings shall be established upon the presence of two (2) members of the Executive Committee and three (3) general members.
Article VI: Executive Committee
Section 1.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Public Relations Officer. Alternatively, the Secretary and Public Relations Officer positions may be combined into one, but such consolidation is not preferred.
Section 2.
The Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Public Relations Officer shall be University of Iowa faculty or staff.
Section 3.
Nominations for the Executive Committee (EC) are due by March and the EC shall be elected by ballot during the Month of April to serve for two years or until their successors are elected. The elected Executive Committee members will assume their offices in the month of August.
Section 4.
Executive Committee members shall serve a two-year term and be eligible for reelection to the same position up to three (3) consecutive terms.
Section 5.
A vacancy in an elective office shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee. A quorum of the Executive Committee will be three people and is needed to fill any vacancy. The appointee shall serve until the next election at which time the vacancy will be filled by vote of the membership.
Section 6.
The duties of the Executive Committee shall include, but not be restricted to:
1. Chair:
A. Preside over LC meetings.
B. Serve as LC representative/liaison to the broader University community.
C. Be the official spokesperson for the LC.
D. Assist the Treasurer in developing an annual budget.
E. Execute the wishes of the membership as expressed in the motions and resolutions passed at the business meetings.
F. Chair the Executive Committee.
2. Vice-Chair:
A. Preside over the LC meetings in the absence of the Chair.
B. Assume the position of Chair upon the absence, resignation, or inability of the Chair to serve
during the term of office.
C. Serve in the Executive Committee.
D. Assist the Chair with other functions as requested.
3. Treasurer:
A. Monitor LC expenses, revenues, budget, and prepare an annual report.
B. Serve in the Executive Committee.
C. Preside over LC meetings in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair.
D. Report on the status of the LC business account at LC meetings.
4. Secretary:
A. Record minutes of LC meetings and distribute them for approval at subsequent meetings.
B. Preside over LC meetings in the absence of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer.
5. Public Relations Officer:
A. Serve in the Executive Committee.
B. In charge of all social media accounts (Latinx Council website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Listserv, SharePoint, etc.) this involves posting about events, meetings and accomplishments.
C. Create flyers and write general communication for all outreach on behalf of the Latinx Council.
E. Maintain an archive of Latinx Council history.
Article VII: Finances
All LC financial matters will be determined by the vote of the majority of the Executive Committee. Treasurer should consult with the Latinx Council Liaison in IESI (Inclusive Education and Strategic Initiatives) with questions on limits to spending funds, and/or work with the assigned financial officer who handles the funds for the diversity councils within the Office of the Provost.
Article VIII: Standing Committees
Section 1.
Standing Committees may be established by the LC as necessary to carry out its mission.
Section 2.
Standing Committee decisions are subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
Section 3.
Task-oriented committees may be established from time to time as the Executive Committee sees fit. Such committees will operate within the purpose of the LC. They shall be specifically charged and shall be automatically dismissed upon completion of their task.
Article IX: Amendments
Amendments to the LC bylaws must be first approved by the Executive Committee, by a simple majority vote, and subsequently approved by another simple majority vote at the most convenient general LC meeting.